Saturday, July 08, 2006

Smuggler's Paradise

Think of yourself as a smuggler. A smuggler of what is not important. What is important is that you are trying to move stuff around, hither and yon, without getting caught. I think we can all agree that night time, the cover of darkness, is usually a preferred condition for such activities.

Which is why it is odd to hear Zvi Ravner explain the actions of Israel, specifically the bombing the Gaza power stations, as an attempt to prevent Palastinian militants from "smuggling out the soldier." Are we to believe from Ravner's statement that the Israeli Defense Force thinks that bringing darkness to Gazan cities will help prevent smuggling; that now cities are dark, the militants will be forced to wait until ... daylight to do their "smuggling"?

Hop over to The Osterley Times. Kel has posted a video clip of this strange man and his assailable logic trying to explain the effectiveness of attacks on civilian infrastructure, while conveniently overlooking the fact that such actions are strictly forbidden under the Geneva Conven ... oh, why bother citing that treaty anymore? Geneva schmeva. It's toast. We're living wiith the new world order.


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