Saturday, February 10, 2007

Doug Feith: still fucking stupidest guy on face of planet

The terms "neoconservative intellectual" and "the fucking stupidest guy on the face of the planet" have always been tightly coupled. These days, they're practically synonymous. Former Undersecretary of Defense Douglas Feith's latest foray into the public realm after the release of the report by the Pentagon's inspector general, which accused Feith and Rumsfeld's Office of Special Plans (OSD) of being "predisposed to finding a significant relationship between Iraq and al Qaeda," only demonstrates the truth of this.

Feith was all over the place defending OSD activities in light of the IG's report, admitting that, while OSD actions may have been "inappropriate," they were not strictly "unlawful." He buttressed this thesis with the explanation that OSD exertions were "a criticism of the consensus of the intelligence community." But stupid pay dirt was hit when Feith said that his office was merely playing the skeptic about the CIA's skepticism regarding al Qaeda ties to Iraq, Niger yellow cake and every other the "fact" White House officials spouted in the lead-up to the invasion. This skepticism about skepticism resulted in absolute certitude that Hussein had ties to al Qaeda, was buying and enriching uranium and possessed large quantities of chemical and biological weapons.


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