Tuesday, June 27, 2006


I can't say much about this sickening development, but the Israelis have mobilized and begun a full scale assault on Gaza:
Israeli troops crossed the border into southern Gaza early Wednesday in a campaign meant to secure the return of a soldier...

Jets hit a power plant in Gaza City and knocked out a bridge connecting the northern and southern parts of town in predawn airstrikes.
Prime Minister Olmert said that, while he did not want to hurt innocents, he'll do it anyway:
There is no doubt we will have to carry out an operation which could cost many lives....
Palestinians maintain that the orders came out of Syria, which Israeli Deputy Prime Minister Shimon Peres appears to understand this and that the kidnapped soldier is still alive:
A small group of terrible people sitting in Damascus [was mobilizing] the whole world against the Palestinians," who he said were the real victims of the kidnapping.


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