Sunday, February 18, 2007

Voto por Voto

I just received some other news, though the subject is not so timely these days. In the breakneck world of the 24 hour news cycle, the Mexico presidential election seems like an establishment fraud from long, long ago. Nonetheless, I got word that the article, What Went Wrong in Mexico, from the November/December issue of The Humanist has been translated and republished in Voces del Periodista (page 10-11), the journal for the Club de Periodistas de Mexico.

If there are any Spanish-speaking folks who can read it and let me know how well the translation came out, I'd be curious to hear about it. Frankly, some of the cartoons that accompany the article seem odd, especially the one with the caveman holding a Voto por Voto sign. I'm not sure what that is supposed actually mean to Mexicans, but it doesn't seem terribly flattering to all those millions who protested the outcome of the election.


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