Sexy beast

Completely out of the realm of politics, blessedly so, a friend of mine sent along a pic of the new Ducati 1098 Superbike. Official release announcement apparently was moved up because the damnable internets had pictures of this thing all over the place anyway. Until April, I had a Ducati Monster 900S. Had it pimped with Two Brothers Racing Ti pipes, which usually set off car alarms in any neighbourhood I rode through, and it often scared the bejeesuz out of me. As V-twins, Ducs are torque-filled beasts and mine had half the horse power of this new 1098. This new Duc tips in with a 160 hp and, more astonishingly, weighs in at only 380 lbs. That has got to be a frighter.
"Until April, I had a Ducati Monster 900S...."
You had? Then what? Sold it?
I received my motorcycle licence when I was 16. After my insurance co. doubled my rates because they hated bikes, I have never had another bike. However, someday, the only bike I have ever wanted will be mine.
Yeah, I sold it. Almost every bloody time I rode it, I got a ticket. Total buzz kill. And tickets send insurance rates skyward.
I've had a few bikes; a Yamaha 650 Special, a Suzuki RM125, a pure 2-stroke motocross bike. That one was terrifying when it hit the power band, a pure rocket. I got a Harley V-rod as loaner while the Monster was in the shop. That, too, was a beautiful bike and a fine (porsche-designed) motor, but I'm not a fan of the rider position on those bikes. Hittin' the triples, my whole body would start lifting off the seat.
But the Monster was a blast.
I had a Suzuki Bandit 700 or 500 something a few years back, but I sold it after a few months, in Los Angeles however, traffic is terrible and drivers are worse.
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